We have traded off holidays with my family and Stewart's since the year we got married. It is simply the easiest and most fair way to do things, always knowing which holiday will be spent where. This was our year to be in Murray for Christmas. I love going to Murray and being with Mimi and Pop. It just feels like home.
Christmas Eve service went off without a hitch and we went home to read "The Night Before Christmas," a tradition since I was a kid. We set out cookies for Santa and sprinkled our reindeer food on the lawn in anticipation of the big guy's arrival. We tucked the kids in bed by 10:30 and not even one got out of bed from excitement. I should have known right there that something was awry.
I woke at 1:30 to Macie telling me that Owen was throwing up. Sure enough, he had managed to get it all over himself and the bed. I roused Stew and he helped me get him cleaned up and tucked back in. Not a half an hour later, Avery decides it's time to let loose of the poop she's been holding on to since Sunday. What a mess and a smelly one at that. After that, Owen was up every hour or so and Avery had one more round of ammo left in that big belly of hers.(I guess prune juice really does do the trick!) Puke and poop are not exactly the sugar plums I had envisioned dreaming of. Needless to say, I drifted off to sleep with Avery on my chest since she wasn't having anything to do with the pack-n-play that she has just about outgrown.
Usually on Christmas morning, we have the kids come wake us so we can go out first and watch them come in to see what Santa has brought. This Christmas was different. Chase wandered in at 6:30am, wanting to know if he could wake the others. I convinced him to climb in bed with me. Stew had long since climbed in bed with Owen to help him as best he could. Next thing I know, it's 9am and Avery and Chase are still in bed with me. They both quickly woke up and we headed out to the family room. There we found Owen, Macie and Stew lying on the couch. Neither of them had looked at their Santa presents. Macie was engrossed in a book with Owen next to her still looking green.
Once they all finally realized it was Christmas morning, they snuck over to see their gifts and check their stockings. They were all very sweet as they surveyed their goodies and showed them to each other.
After a short time, the hangover from the night before lifted and they were in full Christmas mode. Unfortunately for them, they had a lot of waiting ahead of them. Scott and Cindy don't arrive in Murray until early afternoon, they always stay in St Louis to celebrate Christmas Eve with Cindy's family. Steve and Lori get up early and head to Paris, TN to be with her family and see her nieces and nephews open their gifts. This leaves the Parker kids with a lot of time on their hands. A lot of time before a single present is opened. I have to say(and not just b/c I'm their mom) they were extremely patient. I never once saw the greedy gimmies come out while we waited anxiously for everyone to arrive. I am certain that as a child I couldn't have done it. I was so ready to go by Christmas morning that nothing could have stopped me from ripping in to those pretty packages.
We finally opened gifts around 3pm and the kids were ecstatic. They couldn't have been more pleasant, polite and thankful. Exactly the way you want but rarely what you get on Christmas morning. Of course we had our moments but there was nothing major to speak of. Avery had a few, but given that she's nearly 2, hadn't slept and was out of her routine, she held it together pretty well. We had our Christmas dinner and all was well until Owen hurled all over the family room. I guess the little bug was still lurking in his tummy.
When we were tucking them in bed we asked them about what they enjoyed most about the day. We came to Chase and he said "Christmas was really kind of a bummer this year." I asked him what he meant and he said "it just never really felt like Christmas. When we are at home, we wake up and get to celebrate. Our cousins are there and it just feels different. Today we really didn't do anything but wait." I guess from one perspective he may sound like a greedy little boy who had to wait to open his gifts. On the other hand, isn't that really what Christmas is all about? Children? Celebrating the birth of a child and the giving and receiving of gifts in his honor. It broke my heart to hear him say that. He was right though. Christmas is as much about celebrating our savior as it is about seeing that magic in a child's face. That magic that only a child has in their heart. We've only got a few years left where he still believes, where the magic is alive. After that, it simply isn't the same. It kills me to think we took some of that away from him.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My mom's 69th birthday would have been December 20. Each year it sneaks up on me as I find myself extremely weepy and desperately needing time to myself. I am so mixed with emotions. Anticipation for the coming Christmas and the joyous celebration of Christ's birth. The joy in my children's faces and hearts as they too anticipate this sacred and special event. Yet, I also find myself sad and impatient. Sometimes a little too short with them when they ask me one more time if they can open their presents. A little too quick to say no to their pleas to have friends over. Probably a little too short with Stew as well. I guess you would think after 12 years I would know how to handle it. The truth is, I often don't. I miss her so much but it just seems more raw this time of year. I try so hard to hold it all together but I'm finding it harder this year. Maybe my problem is I try to hold it together too much, when I really just need to let the floodgates open.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
2 Words
They are the 2 words that women fear most. Breast Cancer. So when my sister called to tell me a little over a week ago that my mom's best friend Sue had been diagnosed, my heart sunk. I have to admit, my first feelings were so selfish. I couldn't imagine life without her. This woman who has meant so much to me throughout my life could die. I mean, realistically I know we all can and will die. It really wasn't so much the dying that scared me, it was the living knowing she wouldn't be here.
After my sisters' call, I knew I needed to speak to her but something in me wasn't allowing me to pick up that phone. I learned a few days later that Sue would be undergoing surgery. I still couldn't find the strength to call.
This is a woman who has great strength. She married Terry when she was 17. No one thought it would work. They struggled and sacrificed and raised 4 wonderful kids. Their marriage is the kind people envy. Imagining a life with a Terry and no Sue is like imagining peanut butter without any jelly. They just go together. Always have, always will.
This is the woman whose house I would come to at lunch time during grade school when I was being bullied. She'd fix me lunch and let me stay the afternoon. Letting me visit and talk as long as I needed. Even offered to send her son Andy back to school with me to face my fears.
This is the woman who opened her home to our family every Christmas Eve from the time I was 4. I have so many memories of spending Christmas Eve there and always looking forward to seeing the same faces each year. Memories that have lasted a lifetime for me.
This is a woman who suffered a devastating brain injury my junior year in high school. I remember coming home from school and being taken to Sue's side at the hospital. I remember seeing her awake for the first time after having been in a coma. I remember how it felt when she couldn't remember who I was. I remember how it felt when she finally did.
This is a woman who makes the most glorious quilts you have ever seen. Each stitch filled with more love than most of us give in a lifetime.
This is a woman who wore a dress to my wedding! If you know Sue, that's no small feat!
This is a woman who sat with my dad while my mother died in her hospital room.
This is a woman whom my children love. They call her "Grandma Sue." Sue and Terry stop by a few times a year on one of their many excursions. My kids love to explore their van, sit in their laps and shower them with questions about their travels. They love them like they love me.
This morning was Sue's surgery. I finally found the courage to call the house hoping to leave a message. I was surprised when Terry answered the phone. He said she was still in surgery but that the nurse had told them the cancer was only in one breast and no lymph nodes. I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Relief because they had caught it. Relief because I knew I still had time. Time to tell her all the things I've always thought and should have said. Time for more visits. Time for more calls. Time for Sue.
After my sisters' call, I knew I needed to speak to her but something in me wasn't allowing me to pick up that phone. I learned a few days later that Sue would be undergoing surgery. I still couldn't find the strength to call.
This is a woman who has great strength. She married Terry when she was 17. No one thought it would work. They struggled and sacrificed and raised 4 wonderful kids. Their marriage is the kind people envy. Imagining a life with a Terry and no Sue is like imagining peanut butter without any jelly. They just go together. Always have, always will.
This is the woman whose house I would come to at lunch time during grade school when I was being bullied. She'd fix me lunch and let me stay the afternoon. Letting me visit and talk as long as I needed. Even offered to send her son Andy back to school with me to face my fears.
This is the woman who opened her home to our family every Christmas Eve from the time I was 4. I have so many memories of spending Christmas Eve there and always looking forward to seeing the same faces each year. Memories that have lasted a lifetime for me.
This is a woman who suffered a devastating brain injury my junior year in high school. I remember coming home from school and being taken to Sue's side at the hospital. I remember seeing her awake for the first time after having been in a coma. I remember how it felt when she couldn't remember who I was. I remember how it felt when she finally did.
This is a woman who makes the most glorious quilts you have ever seen. Each stitch filled with more love than most of us give in a lifetime.
This is a woman who wore a dress to my wedding! If you know Sue, that's no small feat!
This is a woman who sat with my dad while my mother died in her hospital room.
This is a woman whom my children love. They call her "Grandma Sue." Sue and Terry stop by a few times a year on one of their many excursions. My kids love to explore their van, sit in their laps and shower them with questions about their travels. They love them like they love me.
This morning was Sue's surgery. I finally found the courage to call the house hoping to leave a message. I was surprised when Terry answered the phone. He said she was still in surgery but that the nurse had told them the cancer was only in one breast and no lymph nodes. I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Relief because they had caught it. Relief because I knew I still had time. Time to tell her all the things I've always thought and should have said. Time for more visits. Time for more calls. Time for Sue.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
We took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. Here are some pics. Still in the midst of getting everyone's costumes ready for Halloween. They are so excited it's on a Friday and they can stay up late!!!! I envision lots of crabbiness and tummy aches on Saturday but it will be worth it to see them have so much fun!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Grandma Mom
Today is my grandmother's 90th birthday. She is an amazing woman. She has lived through so much in her 90 years both good and bad. I hope to live as long and as well as she has. Happy Birthday Grandma Mom! You are 90 years young!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Glory, glory halleleuia! After 3 weeks of fall break the kids are back in school tomorrow and Avery has mom's day out! Do I sound like a free woman or what?! As much fun as it has been to have them home, I am equally ready for them to go. Our house seems to be the place to be for most kids around here. If I'm not busy keeping up with my own 4, I've got a handful of other kids here to look after as well. Granted, sometimes they were friends we invited, sometimes I was babysitting, but most times it's kids just looking for something to do that end up here. On top of entertaining them, throw in snacks, drinks and playing referee. Not to mention the toll it takes on my house! I am thankful most times that my children are under my watchful eye. I am somewhat hesitant to let them go other places, really just a handful of people that I entrust them to. After all, I brought them life, I am responsible for their day to day well being. It's a full-time job, that's for sure.
We've had a busy break. Avery's mom's day out fall's on Monday's. I told each of the kids that they could pick an activity since there were 3 Mondays in their break. Owen picked Planet Fun, a Chuck E. Cheese type place with a lot more climbing spaces. Our good friends own it so we were able to meet Nicken and Andrew and play all day. Chase chose The Painted Zebra, a paint your own pottery place. They each picked their items carefully and artfully decorated each and every inch. They turned out quite well. Macie chose bowling. Stew took the day off and went with us which made it even more fun. I don't think she thought it was so great b/c 1. it was senior citizen day and 2. she wasn't very good at it. She has a difficult time not being good at something b/c she is generally good at most things. I guess we all have issues, even at 9 and 1/2! On top of those excursions, we went to the park a few times with friends, rode bikes for miles, went to the St Louis Art Museum(never again with Owen and Avery!!), took a trip to the St Louis Zoo, had lunch in the Central West End, had a block party and had more games, practices and meets than I can count!
As for tomorrow I really don't have anything planned except for a desperately needed trip to the grocery store. I will savor every aisle in peace and quiet. I can hardly wait!!
We've had a busy break. Avery's mom's day out fall's on Monday's. I told each of the kids that they could pick an activity since there were 3 Mondays in their break. Owen picked Planet Fun, a Chuck E. Cheese type place with a lot more climbing spaces. Our good friends own it so we were able to meet Nicken and Andrew and play all day. Chase chose The Painted Zebra, a paint your own pottery place. They each picked their items carefully and artfully decorated each and every inch. They turned out quite well. Macie chose bowling. Stew took the day off and went with us which made it even more fun. I don't think she thought it was so great b/c 1. it was senior citizen day and 2. she wasn't very good at it. She has a difficult time not being good at something b/c she is generally good at most things. I guess we all have issues, even at 9 and 1/2! On top of those excursions, we went to the park a few times with friends, rode bikes for miles, went to the St Louis Art Museum(never again with Owen and Avery!!), took a trip to the St Louis Zoo, had lunch in the Central West End, had a block party and had more games, practices and meets than I can count!
As for tomorrow I really don't have anything planned except for a desperately needed trip to the grocery store. I will savor every aisle in peace and quiet. I can hardly wait!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm pretty sure we're going to end up in the ER sometime soon. The boys are playing golf in the front yard, while Macie rides her bike in between them. I'm thinking concussion, loss of teeth or stitches. Bogey is out there too, dodging golf balls and trying not to get run over!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A few weeks back, Stew took Chase to get new football cleats. He took him to Dick's Sporting Goods. In this particular store there is the larger store and then off to the side there is a smaller Dick's Sporting Goods pro shop. Upon pulling into the parking lot Chase exclaimed, "Look! There's giant Dick's and little Dick's next door!" I don't think Stew has stopped laughing yet.

There are many things that I like and that I enjoy doing. One of my all time favorites is fall in the midwest. There is just something so glorious about the smells, tastes and sights that it brings each year. There is nothing like ushering in fall with a trip to pick apples.
Today we visited Centennial Farms Orchard. We drove about 18 miles with the Missouri river to the east and the Katy Trail to the west. The drive itself is littered with trees, farms and wineries. A small known fact is that Missouri is home to it's fair share of wineries, many of which are literally just up the road from our home. Centennial Farms is just a quaint little farm with miles of apple trees. No fanfare, no hoopla, just a simple farm. There are other crops too, but we were only there for the apples. Macie and Chase ran ahead on the gravel path while I trekked up the hill pulling Owen and Avery in the little red wagon. The kids were so happy to be in farm country. They were able to reach the apples on the branches while Avery found many to nibble on from the ground. I don't know how many we ended up with but I'm certain our neighbors will be receiving some homemade apple pies over the weekend!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Brady Bunch
It was straight from the Brady Bunch, "mom always said 'don't play ball in the house!'" As Chase was snapping the football to Owen in the family room tonight, he snapped it over Owen's head, over the couch and right into a glass vase. The glass vase flipped off the table and hit the window ledge shattering it into a thousand pieces. I'm pretty sure Chase thought he was going to be dead because that is the most sincere "I'm so sorry" that I have ever heard leave his lips! Unlike the Brady Bunch episode, this vase won't be glued back together!
Returned from a glorious weekend away with good girlfriends last weekend. Enjoying my new clothes that they made me buy(thank you!) Avery started mom's day out last week so I have 2 days of freedom. I definitely enjoyed that! My good friend Nancy's brother passed away-lots of prayers going their way from us. Owen started flag football and wants to know when he can play tackle. Macie is knee deep into flag football and swim team. She prevented a touchdown and blocked an extra point in her game. Chase had lots of practices but his game was rained out due to the substantial rainfall that covered the midwest Sunday morning. Saw an old college friend Friday night for dinner. Played outside a lot and had dinner with another family on Saturday night. Watched an abysmal Rams team lose yet another game on Sunday. Ended with some fun family time last night before gearing up for another busy week.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tween and Toddler
After the fit that Macie threw this morning about what she was wearing to church, I'd venture to say we are heading into new territory. The foot stomping, eye rolling, huffing and door slamming territory. I'm really not sure I'm ready for this, especially this early. Doesn't 9 1/2 seem a bit young?? Couple this with the monumental tantrums that Avery has been throwing and we are definitely at a hormonal high and we haven't even hit puberty or the terrible two's! All I can ask for is patience and lots of it.
I seriously don't remember being like that as a pre-teen. I'm sure I did my fair share of eye-rolling and tantrum throwing at their ages, but the indignance that comes along with it makes me want to scream. You can just tell that they think we are out to make them miserable! Hopefully I can muster the calm from within to try and deal with them both in a reasonable manner. Then again, what is reasonable about a tween and a toddler?
I seriously don't remember being like that as a pre-teen. I'm sure I did my fair share of eye-rolling and tantrum throwing at their ages, but the indignance that comes along with it makes me want to scream. You can just tell that they think we are out to make them miserable! Hopefully I can muster the calm from within to try and deal with them both in a reasonable manner. Then again, what is reasonable about a tween and a toddler?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
OK, I'm a little stressed. Stew and I are traveling to Atlanta to attend Uncle Frank's funeral and we are leaving the kids. I know people do this everyday but I don't. In the 9+ years I have been a mom, I can count the number of times I've left them on one hand. I've absolutely never left Avery. Between our long time babysitter Lindsey, and a friend and her daughter, I know they will be well cared for. Probably better off knowing they can survive without me but it still feels strange. I won't even go into my crazy thoughts about flying on a plane without them! I keep running all the scenarios through my head making sure I've covered all my bases. We will be barely be gone 24 hours yet I am uncomfortable and we aren't even leaving until Thursday morning! Maybe this is God telling me I am right where I need to be in life, taking care of my family. Or maybe I'm just an overprotective control freak. I think I'll go with the former.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Stewart's Great Uncle Frank passed away this evening after a long battle with emphysema. Goodbye Uncle Frank. We will miss you dearly but know that we will see you again in heaven. So glad you are finally breathing easy. We love you.
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stew is away on a "guy's weekend" at the Lake of the Ozarks with a group of guys he has known since grade school. They are still a tight group despite the distance that separates most of them. It's pretty uncommon to see a group, especially of men, that still remain that close after all these years. It's so nice for him because he has such a history with them. I sure hope they are having fun. He deserves it. He takes such good care of us and I often forget that he needs a break every now and then too.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Man's Best Friend

Friday, August 1, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Frick and Frack

Carter and Owen have been best friends since I can remember. Carter is 11 months older but they are in the same grade. I have never seen kids get along as well as these two. They never argue(seriously, they don't) and can play for hours, days on end. Instead of having a party, Owen wanted to spend the day with Carter. Stew set off yesterday morning with Frick and Frack in tow. They went bowling, ate at Steak and Shake, went to the arcade, rode scooters on a nature trail and ended the day playing at the pool for 3 hours. They could have kept playing, it was really Stew who pooped out. I think Carter and Owen have a chance at a lifelong friendship. They delight in each other's company and are always lifting each other up. Owen always leaves Carter by yelling "I Love You Carter!" and he truly does with all his heart.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Today was such a big day for Owen and for me. Not only did he begin Kindergarten(as well as Macie entering 4th and Chase entering 2nd) but he also turned 5. It was so sweet watching his excitement about school he seemed to forget it was his birthday. He didn't ask to open a single present. We made the parade down to the bus stop where we took lots of pictures. It wasn't until I called his name to take a picture as he was climbing the steps of the bus that I lost it. I saw 5 years flash before me, gone in that one instant. I walked home with Stew and sobbed quietly with Avery in my lap. I know it sounds so silly. You'd think by the 3rd one I'd be doing flips. I am anxious for some time with Avery and enjoying the relative quiet a house without Owen brings, but it's a strange feeling. I've had at least 2 home for so long that I almost don't know what to do. I'm sure that feeling will pass but for now I am missing him and the noise that a houseful of kids brings.
When he returned home, he was still pretty quiet. During dinner, he told us a little bit about his day but not nearly as much as I wanted to hear. We finally opened presents and ate birthday cake. We played ball in the street with his new bat and glove. Finally we called it a day. After all, it was a school night and tired little monkeys needed their rest.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Swim Team
Today the kids had to try and swim a mile at practice. Macie swam it in 57 minutes! Chase swam 3/4 of a mile and wanted to continue but we had to leave. Owen made it 1/4 mile before he pooped out. I was so proud of all them for trying something so difficult and doing it without complaint! I'm not sure Stew and I could swim that far! Tomorrow they do the "lung buster," where they try and swim the length of the pool without a breath!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tough Guy
Owen had his 5 year old appointment this morning. He tries to be such a tough guy but underneath it all he is really all heart. He showed off his muscles to the nurses and then sat there, opting not to sit in my lap. He had to get 4 shots, 2 in each arm. He just sat there, held my hands while huge crocodile tears came rolling down his cheeks. Didn't make a peep. It was so sad, he didn't even move. When they were finished, he hopped down into my arms and just clung to me. Made me want to cry too.
Friday, July 4, 2008
How fitting that on this day Owen takes a major step in childhood independence by learning to ride a two wheeler! He started off a little shaky but was riding smoothly up and down our block after a few tries. He hasn't figured out how to start on his own but that will soon come I'm sure. Unlike typical Owen, he was actually very cautious. I'm sure once he's really mastered it, he will be tearing up the pavement in front of the house for hours!! Way to go Owie!!!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Summer Vacation

We are home after 9 days of travel to the sunshine state. We drove to Seaside, FL and rented a house with our friends, George and Mary and their kids Nick(or Nicken as we call him) and Andrew. We survived the drive there, with Owen's puking and all. Poor guy was sick when we picked him up in Kentucky. He rallied quickly to enjoy a great week of waves, snorkeling, digging in the sand, go karts, bumper cars, boogie boarding, skim boarding and napping on the beach.
We first met George and Mary at lamaze class when we were both pregnant with Nicken and Macie. We have become such good friends and were thrilled when they invited us to rent a house with them. It can be difficult to travel with other people because of expectations and routines but this couldn't have worked out better. We had a blast and with their free flying spirit we got to see lots of beaches and places that we wouldn't normally have seen.
We made the drive home in 13 hours, barely stopping for gas. Stew likes to get in the car and "get 'er done" so needless to say, the boys are forced to pee in a plastic bottle. Forced is really an overstatement, they actually think it's pretty cool. The girls and I are quite disgusted, but tolerate it so we can get where we need to go! We're just thankful he doesn't make us do the same! Other than Avery's many crying episodes and lack of napping in the car, the ride was pretty smooth. We were exhausted but thankful to be home in our own beds again.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Little Fish
Our kids have been little fish since they were very small. Not one of them has ever been afraid of water. Macie was a water bug from the beginning and learned to swim in the deep water without flotation from the time she was 4. Chase was 3 and Owen was 2!! At this rate, Avery should be swimming by the end of the summer!!:)
Macie and Chase did the swim team last year. It came easier for Chase because he was in the younger age bracket with kids who were also first time swim teamers. Macie, who is used to succeeding at everything, was humbled when Chase began placing in meets and she did not. By the end of the season she had improved enough that she also began receiving ribbons. More importantly though, she handled it with grace and was able to be happy for her brothers' success. I'm not sure Chase would have been as graceful about it had it been the other way around.
Since they enjoyed it so much, we took lessons all winter to improve their strokes. Owen was in the highest level he can be in until he is 6. Chase was a Minnow which requires all lap swimming of back, breast and free. Macie was in the pre-competetive swim team class.
Monday was our first swim meet of the season. Owen is on the team this year. He is by far the youngest swimmer at 4 years old(5 next month!). He is swimming in the 6 and under group. They are not penalized for their strokes. As long as they can swim 25 yards safely across the pool, they can compete. Once you get to the 7/8 or 9/10 level, you are judged on your strokes, kicks, proper turns, touches etc...
I guess our lessons paid off because Macie took 2nd in the medley relay where she swam backstroke and 4th in the free relay. Chase took 3rd in the 25 backstroke, 1st in the free relay and 1st in the medley relay where he also swam backstroke. Macie and Chase also swam the 25 butterfly. A new stroke for both of them. Owen swam 2 events, the 25 backstroke and the 25 free. He struggled with the backstroke but made it across the pool. He did great in the 25 free and swam with all his heart. He made it the entire way without stopping or holding on! I think the biggest feat was that he didn't pee while he was on the block! He drank several waters while waiting for his turn and was dancing around like a crazy man before he dove in! It was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
Even though swim meets are longer than any sporting event known to man, I am glad they chose to do it. It is so good for their bodies and their minds. It is a competitive sport for the individual as well as the team. Also, a great way to learn sportsmanship and teamwork. Bottom line though, they had fun.
ps-thanks to mimi and pop for enduring the meet with us. i know it meant a lot to the kids to have you cheering them on.
Macie and Chase did the swim team last year. It came easier for Chase because he was in the younger age bracket with kids who were also first time swim teamers. Macie, who is used to succeeding at everything, was humbled when Chase began placing in meets and she did not. By the end of the season she had improved enough that she also began receiving ribbons. More importantly though, she handled it with grace and was able to be happy for her brothers' success. I'm not sure Chase would have been as graceful about it had it been the other way around.
Since they enjoyed it so much, we took lessons all winter to improve their strokes. Owen was in the highest level he can be in until he is 6. Chase was a Minnow which requires all lap swimming of back, breast and free. Macie was in the pre-competetive swim team class.
Monday was our first swim meet of the season. Owen is on the team this year. He is by far the youngest swimmer at 4 years old(5 next month!). He is swimming in the 6 and under group. They are not penalized for their strokes. As long as they can swim 25 yards safely across the pool, they can compete. Once you get to the 7/8 or 9/10 level, you are judged on your strokes, kicks, proper turns, touches etc...
I guess our lessons paid off because Macie took 2nd in the medley relay where she swam backstroke and 4th in the free relay. Chase took 3rd in the 25 backstroke, 1st in the free relay and 1st in the medley relay where he also swam backstroke. Macie and Chase also swam the 25 butterfly. A new stroke for both of them. Owen swam 2 events, the 25 backstroke and the 25 free. He struggled with the backstroke but made it across the pool. He did great in the 25 free and swam with all his heart. He made it the entire way without stopping or holding on! I think the biggest feat was that he didn't pee while he was on the block! He drank several waters while waiting for his turn and was dancing around like a crazy man before he dove in! It was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.
Even though swim meets are longer than any sporting event known to man, I am glad they chose to do it. It is so good for their bodies and their minds. It is a competitive sport for the individual as well as the team. Also, a great way to learn sportsmanship and teamwork. Bottom line though, they had fun.
ps-thanks to mimi and pop for enduring the meet with us. i know it meant a lot to the kids to have you cheering them on.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
It's Official!

It's official! We adopted Bogey, our new shepherd mix puppy lastnight! We were all so excited for him to arrive and couldn't wait for his foster mom, Adrianne, to bring him. All I can say is he is the most chill puppy I have ever seen. He did fairly well for his first night in a crate away from the comfort of his sister. No accidents. He seems to prefer me more than anyone else right now. Maybe he recognizes that I am the one who will be doing most of the caring for him.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Forever Friends
I am not one that has many friends. That is not to say that I don't know a lot of people, but true friends who get to know me deep down are hard to come by for me. Nancy is one of those friends. We met the first day of high school in our freshman chorus class. She is just one of those people that you automatically feel comfortable and safe with. She has stood by me through thick and thin--trust me I wasn't always the best friend. She has seen me at my best and comforted me through my worst. She is someone that I can go for months without talking to and then call her and start giggling like we did back in high school.
Nancy is married to a great guy. Jim has fit in since day one. Always quick with his wit, great with the kids and eager to lend a hand. So much like Stew, I'm sure that's why I liked him right off the bat. They traveled from Chicago for their first visit to St Louis since our wedding almost 12 years ago!!!!! They have 3 kids, Ashley(7), Jimmy and Jessica(3 1/2).
We all had such a great time. Macie and Ashley hit it off and they allowed Owen to tag along with them most of the time. Jimmy found his new best friend in Chase. He literally wanted to know where Chase was at every moment. Chase gladly obliged and took him under his wing. Jessica just goes with the flow. She is sweet, cuddly and gentle(unless she's punching her brother!!) It was a whirlwind weekend of swimming indoors and out, going to "Monkey Joe's" bounce place, Red Robin, the top of the Gateway Arch(Nancy, Avery and I stayed firmly on the ground), eating on The Landing, and playing at our house. We really couldn't have asked for a better weekend together and can't wait to do it again!
Next time we are hoping to get our friends, Tina and Natalie and their families together too. As the kids get older it becomes more difficult to coordinate everyone's schedules. I am so glad we finally did. I know it was a long drive, but so well worth it to see our kids enjoying the fruits of our friendship.
Nancy is married to a great guy. Jim has fit in since day one. Always quick with his wit, great with the kids and eager to lend a hand. So much like Stew, I'm sure that's why I liked him right off the bat. They traveled from Chicago for their first visit to St Louis since our wedding almost 12 years ago!!!!! They have 3 kids, Ashley(7), Jimmy and Jessica(3 1/2).
We all had such a great time. Macie and Ashley hit it off and they allowed Owen to tag along with them most of the time. Jimmy found his new best friend in Chase. He literally wanted to know where Chase was at every moment. Chase gladly obliged and took him under his wing. Jessica just goes with the flow. She is sweet, cuddly and gentle(unless she's punching her brother!!) It was a whirlwind weekend of swimming indoors and out, going to "Monkey Joe's" bounce place, Red Robin, the top of the Gateway Arch(Nancy, Avery and I stayed firmly on the ground), eating on The Landing, and playing at our house. We really couldn't have asked for a better weekend together and can't wait to do it again!
Next time we are hoping to get our friends, Tina and Natalie and their families together too. As the kids get older it becomes more difficult to coordinate everyone's schedules. I am so glad we finally did. I know it was a long drive, but so well worth it to see our kids enjoying the fruits of our friendship.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Family Reunion

This is an event that we have been going to since Stew and I were dating. In the 17 years that Stew and I have been together we have only missed one. Every Memorial Day weekend we head to Kentucky for a family reunion. I love Stew's family and so enjoy getting together every year. Stew's cousins have added 3 kids to the mix which makes it even more fun for our 4! Between us all we have a 9,7, almost 6, almost 5, almost 4, 1 1/2 year old and a 15 month old. Lots of fun and I hope we continue the tradition.
Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm a bit late in adding this post because we have been experiencing technical difficulties in trying to get a new laptop up and running. Computer geniuses we are not.
Last Monday night Owen officially graduated from Adam Lamb Preschool. The build-up was quite something. Each day he would talk about how they had practiced and how much we were going to like it. He didn't disappoint. Owen walked in with his class and took his place in the front row. He looked so little and so big at the same time. Smiling from ear to ear while singing his songs or reciting his poem, I couldn't help but be proud at how far he has come. In true Sedita fashion, my eyes welled with tears as I watched him and thought about the road ahead.
Owen will begin kindergarten on his 5th birthday. The cut off is August 1 and his birthday is July 17. There are many schools of thought regarding the pros and cons of being the youngest child in the class. Believe me we have heard them all. It is not a decision we have taken lightly. We weighed all the factors that we felt were important from being a boy, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills, ability to follow directions etc... I prayed hard and spoke to his teachers, our doctor and his parent educator through our school district. All signs as well as our trusty gut instinct point to his being ready. John Weldon Elementary here he comes! (photos to come!)
Last Monday night Owen officially graduated from Adam Lamb Preschool. The build-up was quite something. Each day he would talk about how they had practiced and how much we were going to like it. He didn't disappoint. Owen walked in with his class and took his place in the front row. He looked so little and so big at the same time. Smiling from ear to ear while singing his songs or reciting his poem, I couldn't help but be proud at how far he has come. In true Sedita fashion, my eyes welled with tears as I watched him and thought about the road ahead.
Owen will begin kindergarten on his 5th birthday. The cut off is August 1 and his birthday is July 17. There are many schools of thought regarding the pros and cons of being the youngest child in the class. Believe me we have heard them all. It is not a decision we have taken lightly. We weighed all the factors that we felt were important from being a boy, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, social skills, ability to follow directions etc... I prayed hard and spoke to his teachers, our doctor and his parent educator through our school district. All signs as well as our trusty gut instinct point to his being ready. John Weldon Elementary here he comes! (photos to come!)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday we held our 10th annual MV7 golf tournament. Stew started the golf tournament after the death of his good friend, Milton Vaughn. The goal is to raise money in Milton's memory and donate to local children's charities that don't generally receive funding from big time donors. He also likes to see the money go directly for a purpose, something the kids will actually benefit from. I am just so proud that he has continued to keep this going. Many times it would have been much easier for him to quit than to take the time and energy required to put it on. He has remained positive and focused and I see no end in sight. I am constantly amazed at the man I married and feel so fortunate that he seizes the opportunity to give back.
Our children come to the tournament every year also. It really is one of their most favorite things we do. Not only do they enjoy it because it's a great time to see so many family and friends but they also get to see their dad in action. I watch them as Stew is talking to the crowd and they are grinning and soaking up every word. Macie was brought to tears after Stew talking about his tournament morning ritual of looking at pics of Milt and having a good cry. I think it is so important for them to see him in a role other than dad. Who knows, someday maybe they'll take the reigns and allow Stew the opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy a day of golf.
Our children come to the tournament every year also. It really is one of their most favorite things we do. Not only do they enjoy it because it's a great time to see so many family and friends but they also get to see their dad in action. I watch them as Stew is talking to the crowd and they are grinning and soaking up every word. Macie was brought to tears after Stew talking about his tournament morning ritual of looking at pics of Milt and having a good cry. I think it is so important for them to see him in a role other than dad. Who knows, someday maybe they'll take the reigns and allow Stew the opportunity to sit back, relax and enjoy a day of golf.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Baseball, Flag Football and S'mores

We started our day with a ballgame. Chase had a baseball game this morning. We all trekked to the field in the cold and damp weather. He played well and showcased his slide into home with a huge grin on his face. Next up was Macie's final flag football game of the season. This is her second season playing and she loves it. She is the only girl on the team but she definitely holds her own. Today she even knocked down a pass! After that, Chase had his flag football practice, his game is tomorrow. The boys got much needed haircuts. I'm sure their dad would have preferred it shorter but I let them keep it a little shaggier since that's how they like it! The day ended up being crisp and clear. We spent the evening playing in the yard and grilling. We had cheeseburgers, grilled veggies and grilled bananas. We topped the night off with a fire in our fire pit with their favorite dessert, s'mores. The kids started out telling scary stories but after Owen got spooked(mostly my fault!) we switched to funny ones. Chase, in his usual fashion, kept us laughing with a crazy story. We tucked them all in, they are having a sleepover in the boys' room. Macie is snuggled in her sleeping bag in between their beds. I am so glad they still enjoy doing this. I know it won't be much longer until she thinks she's too grown up to sleep with them. For now, it's sweet and they all have so much fun.
Monday, April 28, 2008

My niece, Sophie just took second place in the Kansas State History Day. She and her friend,(also Sophie) worked very long and hard on a project about Brown vs. Board of Education. They have now qualified to go to the national competition in Washington D.C. this summer! I am so proud of her and her accomplishment! She is such a beautiful young lady inside and out. Way to go Soph!!!! Love you!
Tomorrow afternoon, my best friend Tiffany's husband returns from Iraq after a year long stint. Thankfully, he and his enture unit returned to the states safely last week. They have been in Ft Hood debriefing and will be home to Indiana tomorrow! Tiffany has held down the fort with her four kids. She is an amazing woman, mother and friend. I am so, so happy for them. Thank you Tim, for all you've done for us!
It seems like so much of my life revolves around cleaning, straightening up and doing laundry. I am always excited(so sad to admit) to find something that makes doing those chores easier. My nemesis has always been my shower doors. No matter what I do, what product I use or how hard I scrub, they never seem clean. A good friend(and total clean queen) just told me to try the Mr Clean Magic Eraser on the entire shower. Doors, floor, everything! I'm headed up to try it now. I'll let you know how it works! My happiness is being defined by cleaning products! I really need to get out more!
Friday, April 18, 2008
What the?
Last night, as I crawled in to bed after being up with Avery, something strange started happening. The bed started shaking. Stew sat up. He felt it too. We were having an earthquake! Not enough to scare me but definitely a strange feeling. It lasted only about 30 seconds and then it was gone. I'm sure for people in California this is not a big deal. But here in the heart of the midwest this is NOT a normal occurrence. It measured about 5.4 and it's aftershocks hit here around 10:30. Other than that, a pretty normal Spring day in the midwest. Rain, rain and more rain.
Monday, April 14, 2008
A good sweat!
There really is nothing like hitting the gym and working up a good sweat. I had been a fairly dedicated gym goer until about my eight month of pregnancy with Avery. Once I hit that point, it just didn't feel good anymore. Obviously I took some time off when she was a newborn and have tried half heartedly to get back into a routine over the past year. I have finally managed to get my butt in gear and make it a priority. As a mom, I often find myself on empty when it comes time to do something for myself. I decided it's time I do this one thing for myself and it has made me feel so much better! I used to work on the treadmill or the elliptical and then do some free weights. This go around I have started taking some classes and have fallen in love with them! Tonight I did Turbo Kick and tomorrow I'm doing Total Body Conditioning. I love them because they are concise and to the point but not boring. The instructors work hard to change things up and use different equipment. I know exactly how long I will be there and don't have to worry if the equipment I want is available. My goal has been at least 3 classes a week. So far so good. Lets face it, I'll never be in a bikini again, not that I really care. All I want is to feel good physically and not embarrass myself or my kids at the pool this summer in my suit! :-)Hopefully I can accomplish both!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
In case you were ever wondering how to remove an M&M from your child's nasal cavity, here's how.
1. calm them down.
2. get some tissue.
3. wait a few minutes.
4. blow.
Apparently, the old adage, "melts in your mouth, not in your hand" holds true for your nose as well. Just ask Owen. :)
Never a dull moment around here that's for sure! Just for the record, it was orange.
1. calm them down.
2. get some tissue.
3. wait a few minutes.
4. blow.
Apparently, the old adage, "melts in your mouth, not in your hand" holds true for your nose as well. Just ask Owen. :)
Never a dull moment around here that's for sure! Just for the record, it was orange.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I saw GOD today

After a very busy day of flag football games and practices, swim practice, playing on the trampoline, Chase's "official" friend birthday party and playing outside, the Parker kids were exhausted. They settled in the basement for some tv time. They asked if they could all sleep down there together. Initially, I almost said no but my fun side(which my children think doesn't exist) decided to say "YES!" They were so excited to have a slumber party together. Owen and Chase found their spots on either end of the sectional and Macie curled up on the smaller sleeper sofa. I thought for sure it would take awhile for them to settle but the days activities had caught up with them. They were all sound asleep by 9:45!!! Not like the slumber parties I remember!
They awoke this morning, actually slept in a bit for them. We had breakfast, showered and I took them to church. Stew hasn't been feeling well so he stayed home with Avery. After church, I rewarded them with McDonald's. It's rare that I can get through church having heard the entire sermon so I felt they deserved a treat! We brought it home, had some lunch and headed out back. We have had two days of glorious Spring weather! Sun shining, blue sky and good moods! They started a sticker club. They collected all the stickers they could find and put them together in binders. They played on the swings and in the tree house. They jumped on the trampoline and no fights broke out. They actually seemed to be enjoying each other! They shot hoops for awhile, colored with chalk, brought out Chase's new marker set and played in the woods and the sandbox. There were plenty of opportunities for them to fight, argue, bicker and pick. For whatever reason, the stars were aligned and our fung shui was in order. We had a great day just spending time together. It's so marvelous when you can just be together and really enjoy it. I love being with my family but it is not always so joyful. I seem to spend much of my time breaking up fights and mending hurt feelings or scraped knees. It was so wonderful to just listen to them laughing and playing.
The sermon today was about God always being right in front of you. You don't always notice him but he's there. We seem to only look to him when we are struggling or question his presence when we are down. Today was a good reminder that he is there if you take the time to look. I could see him in the smiles, hear him in the laughter and feel him all around us. I just hadn't taken the time to notice.
They awoke this morning, actually slept in a bit for them. We had breakfast, showered and I took them to church. Stew hasn't been feeling well so he stayed home with Avery. After church, I rewarded them with McDonald's. It's rare that I can get through church having heard the entire sermon so I felt they deserved a treat! We brought it home, had some lunch and headed out back. We have had two days of glorious Spring weather! Sun shining, blue sky and good moods! They started a sticker club. They collected all the stickers they could find and put them together in binders. They played on the swings and in the tree house. They jumped on the trampoline and no fights broke out. They actually seemed to be enjoying each other! They shot hoops for awhile, colored with chalk, brought out Chase's new marker set and played in the woods and the sandbox. There were plenty of opportunities for them to fight, argue, bicker and pick. For whatever reason, the stars were aligned and our fung shui was in order. We had a great day just spending time together. It's so marvelous when you can just be together and really enjoy it. I love being with my family but it is not always so joyful. I seem to spend much of my time breaking up fights and mending hurt feelings or scraped knees. It was so wonderful to just listen to them laughing and playing.
The sermon today was about God always being right in front of you. You don't always notice him but he's there. We seem to only look to him when we are struggling or question his presence when we are down. Today was a good reminder that he is there if you take the time to look. I could see him in the smiles, hear him in the laughter and feel him all around us. I just hadn't taken the time to notice.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Oh the mind of a 9 year old. Her wheels are always turning and to this day she still has a million questions. I'm glad she still comes to me with them. In the car tonight she asked, "why are dad's so protective of their daughters?" I responded with, "it's just a very special bond between a daughter and her dad, he wants to protect her from anything he can." That seemed to settle her mind for a minute until "isn't strange that girls take pride in being daddy's girl but boy's are ridiculed for being a mama's boy?" I answered in agreement. What a strange place we find ourselves in raising girls. We want them to be respectful and respectable yet they are sent so many mixed messages and double standards, it's a miracle they ever figure it all out.
I am thankful for how I was raised. I was never expected to be anyone but myself. I hope we are giving Macie the same freedom. She seems to be comfortable in her own skin. She's a girl who loves sports(even plays flag football), dances and sings and loves to get a mani/pedi with me. She devours books and loves to learn but is the first to ask for the funnies from the Sunday morning paper. She is very social but can often be found alone reading a book in the tree in our front yard. It can be such a daunting task, helping your child navigate the world. It's a fine line between steering them where you think they should go and letting them take the reigns to where they want to be and who they will become. I hope at the very least, we are giving her the foundation she needs to make choices that are right for her.
I am thankful for how I was raised. I was never expected to be anyone but myself. I hope we are giving Macie the same freedom. She seems to be comfortable in her own skin. She's a girl who loves sports(even plays flag football), dances and sings and loves to get a mani/pedi with me. She devours books and loves to learn but is the first to ask for the funnies from the Sunday morning paper. She is very social but can often be found alone reading a book in the tree in our front yard. It can be such a daunting task, helping your child navigate the world. It's a fine line between steering them where you think they should go and letting them take the reigns to where they want to be and who they will become. I hope at the very least, we are giving her the foundation she needs to make choices that are right for her.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Still sick
Well, it worked it's way to Chase starting around 6:30 am. It hit Avery again around 3pm and then me around 4. I'm actually feeling a bit better but Stew is feeling queasy. It's really doing a number on us.
Looking forward to fresh air and open windows. Tired of all these bugs being spread around.
Looking forward to fresh air and open windows. Tired of all these bugs being spread around.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
not out of the woods
Not out of the woods yet. I hear Owen at the top of the stairs, "mama, I think I'm gonna..." I think you get the idea. Looks like we'll be getting the carpets cleaned next week!!:)
Reality continued
The puking continues! Poor Owen puked every 20-30 minutes and then dry heaved until about 2 am. Macie joined in the fun around 1:30 am. Thankfully she only missed the toilet once but was up with the same issues until about 6:30am. I checked on Avery in the midst of all this and lo and behold, she had puked in her bed. Stripped her sheets and cleaned her up and she was back to bed. No other puke sightings from her thank goodness. Luckily, Chase snoozed through the whole disgusting mess. He was off to school this morning with a bounce in his step. Stew left for work exhausted, but secretly relieved that he actually got to leave!! Macie and Owen are feeling better. Lazing around watching reruns of Full House and sipping water and juice. Avery went down for a nap while I continue to tackle the enormous pile of sheets, mattress pads, pillow cases and pajamas--I am disinfecting everything. Lysol is my best friend today. Owen just came down and asked for food. He says he hasn't eaten in 8 days and I'm starving him! Must be on the mend. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the rest of us steer clear of it!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Back to Reality
Owen was in a foul mood at dinner. He is quite an eater so for him to turn down a meal is unusual. I figured he was just full from our afternoon trip to Sam's where he sampled pizza, fruit and a smoothie. I really didn't give it any thought. He was very grumpy after his bath so I asked him if he wanted to go to bed. He said he did, so I tucked him in at 7:15 and he was asleep by 7:20. I laid on my bed with Macie and Chase while they read books and talked to me until American Idol came on at 8:00. We watched the results show and during the last commercial I asked them to go brush their teeth. They came running back in screaming, "there's throw up all over the bathroom!" I went in and sure enough, there was puke all over the floor, toilet, wall, tub and shower curtain. I went and checked on Owen and it was all over his floor and on his bed. He was sleeping soundly. I called Stew to help, he took the floor while I got the bathroom. I commented, "how did he get it in so many places?" Stew said, "Haven't you seen CSI? High Velocity Vomit Splatter." I heard Owen rustle, grabbed a bowl and ran. He made the bowl, mostly dry heaving at this point. Poor guy had no idea he had even thrown up. I sent Chase to sleep in Macie's room. They were ecstatic at the idea of a slumber party on a school night. I changed his bed and put the bowl by his head, reminding him to try and hit it if he could. Looks like I'll be having a slumber party of my own sleeping next to him in Chase's bed. Not exactly the kind I'd like but that's OK.

We spent Easter morning at Mimi and Pop's church in Florida. The kids enjoyed going to "kid church" and Avery ventured to the nursery. You see, their church, though lovely and welcoming, isn't really the type you bring a 13month old too. I didn't think she'd last long in their nursery and Avery proved me right. About 1/2 way through, they buzzed me to come get her. She had been crying almost the entire time. This is new territory for me. Macie, Chase and Owen NEVER cried when I left them. They have always been very gregarious and ready to head into the world with anyone at anytime. At times, this is not always a good thing(like when you are trying to explain the concept of stranger danger!) but for the most part it is a blessing. Avery is different. She is always happy and friendly but does not take well to being left in strange places, or even unstrange places for that matter. I have tried time and again to leave her in our church nursery only to have them apologetically bring her to me part way through. I have tried to get into the routine of the gym but she won't have it. On the rare occasion she has made it through my workout, it has been when her siblings were in there with her. She will stay with my good friend Margaret who gets her girl fix so that I can attend a school event or get my hair colored. Anyway, once I picked her up, she was fine. All smiles for me.
After church we went to Steak and Shake. Not exactly Easter dinner fare but it hit the spot. We headed home to put Avery down for a nap. Pop is not a beach kind of guy so I asked him if he would listen for her while we went with the "big kids" to the beach. He was more than happy to get in a nap too while she slept. We hadn't been gone 5 minutes when she woke up. He said he let her talk a little while and then went and got her. They played and walked around and had snacks. He even changed a poopy diaper!! He said he could see her get an idea of where she thought we were in her head. She'd go in that direction, when she didn't find us, she'd just move on to something else. Finally, they headed outside which is where they were when we came home. She was quite pleased to see us but not upset. I think that time alone with Pop did them both some good.
We enjoyed our last day at the beach. The kids swam in the ocean and dug in the sand until it was time to head home. We went home where Mimi fixed a real Easter dinner. We packed our bags and hit the hay early for our flight the next morning.
Other than a very rude gate attendant, our flight home was uneventful. We were exhausted after getting up at 5:30 and having a 3 hour layover in Cincinnati. The Gateway Arch was a welcome sight from the window of our airplane. It's always good to go on vacation, but there really is no place like home!
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