Today was such a big day for Owen and for me. Not only did he begin Kindergarten(as well as Macie entering 4th and Chase entering 2nd) but he also turned 5. It was so sweet watching his excitement about school he seemed to forget it was his birthday. He didn't ask to open a single present. We made the parade down to the bus stop where we took lots of pictures. It wasn't until I called his name to take a picture as he was climbing the steps of the bus that I lost it. I saw 5 years flash before me, gone in that one instant. I walked home with Stew and sobbed quietly with Avery in my lap. I know it sounds so silly. You'd think by the 3rd one I'd be doing flips. I am anxious for some time with Avery and enjoying the relative quiet a house without Owen brings, but it's a strange feeling. I've had at least 2 home for so long that I almost don't know what to do. I'm sure that feeling will pass but for now I am missing him and the noise that a houseful of kids brings.
When he returned home, he was still pretty quiet. During dinner, he told us a little bit about his day but not nearly as much as I wanted to hear. We finally opened presents and ate birthday cake. We played ball in the street with his new bat and glove. Finally we called it a day. After all, it was a school night and tired little monkeys needed their rest.
This is Amy Kingsbury, Kathy R's daughter. I love reading your post and I find myself looking forward to reading them. Gregory is starting Kindergarten in August. I have the same feeling my heart sinks, then and hour later he's under my feet and I need some air:)
Where did you get Chase's bag for school? I like that style for Gregory and was just wondering.
Amy-I couldn't respond to your email so I hope you see this. I love hearing about all of you from your mom! Tell her to email me, it has been awhile!
ps: I got all their bags from Target online.
Hi this is Amy Kingsbury, Kathy R's daughter. I love you blog and look forward to you posts. I'm at the same place with Gregory as Owen. He is getting ready to start Kindergarten in August. My heart is weepy about my baby starting school. In my next thought he is constantly glued to my hip and I need space.
By the way where did you get Chase's book bag? I was thinking about getting Gregory that style.
Enjoy your time with Avery.
Amy K.
Sorry about the double message.
I did not think the first one took.
Amy K.
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