Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Go Cats!
To say that we are Kentucky fans is an understatement. Thanks to Stew I became a fan early on in our relationship. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have married me if I hadn't. Our kids have also been inducted into the fan club as well. The boys are, well they are KY Crazy! They love anything and everything associated with UK. In fact, the boys room is completely decorated in a UK theme as well as our basement and Stew's bar.
Macie is probably the least biggest fan only because she isn't a huge sports enthusiast. She gets into the big games and the big rivalries but doesn't follow the regular games as much. She does always seems to find one basketball player that she really likes. This year she is into Josh Harrelson. He's a senior who is actually from St Charles. He went to St Charles High and knows a friend of ours who coached Owen's football team.
Last week she was playing around on her ipod and started searching for email addresses for Kentucky players. She found them and decided to send Harrelson an email. She told him she was a huge fan of Kentucky basketball and so was her family. She told him that she was from St Charles too, what grade she was in etc... To her surprise he responded! They have corresponded a few times and she is thrilled! Secretly, I think she is excited because she is one up on her brother's who would do just about anything to talk to or meet a Kentucky player. Anyway, I thought it was very sweet that he even thought to write her back. What a caring and thoughtful young man. He has surely brightened Macie's world and speaks volumes to the kind of kids that play ball at Kentucky.
Go Cats!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Avery's Christmas list
1. Cinderella backpack
2. purple shoes
3. Skecher's
4. clothes
5. Mickey Mouse dance thing
6. Cinderella toy
7. shark toy
8. wand
9. Big Teddy bear with eggs in the Teddy bears' tummy
10. Princess phone so all of my friends can call me
11. purple dress
12. a computer like mommy's
13. Cinderella sunglasses
14. fruit snacks
15. oranges
If only it were always this simple.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Scott and Laurie
All I can say is that it has been a long time since we attended a wedding with such heartfelt emotion. Such a small gathering but such a huge statement for how far Scott and Laurie have come to find each other. It was truly a family affair as a wedding should be. It was beautiful in every way and we are so happy to have Laurie as a part of our family. It feels like she's been part of us forever.
It reminded me of what life is all about. God, family and friends.
The Breath You Take by, George Strait:
Life’s not the breaths you take
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain’t what it’s all about
Ya just might miss the point
Try’n to win the race
Life’s not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain’t what it’s all about
Ya just might miss the point
Try’n to win the race
Life’s not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Avery's friend Ava was here playing. She was crying about something so she wiped her eyes on one of our couch pillows.
Her mom said, "Ava, don't wipe your face on Ms Susan's pillows."
Avery replied:"Yea Ava, you don't wipe your boogers on the pillow, you wipe them on the couch!"
Monday, August 16, 2010
Comfort Zone
Anyone who knows Macie knows she is not exactly a girly girl. She doesn't do skirts, can't stand pink and thinks cheerleading should be illegal. Imagine then, my surprise when she told me she wanted to be in a beauty pageant! Her interest was sparked by our neighbor who was crowned Mrs Missouri, then Mrs America and then took second in Mrs World. We followed all of her pageants and enjoyed watching her success yet I was still blown away when Macie decided that a pageant was something she wanted to try. Although I was hesitant, I agreed, thinking it would give her good exposure in front of an audience.
We found the Miss O'Fallon pageant with the help of our neighbor. She had been a judge and told us that it would be a perfect "starter" pageant. Macie completed the paperwork and then we set off to find her a casual outfit and gown and work on her talent. The whole way through Macie was really into it. She shopped(which she doesn't particularly like to do) and rehearsed her song over and over. Finally, it was pageant day.
Macie competed in the Junior Miss category ages 11-15. She comfortably strode across stage to introduce herself to the audience and judges. She sang beautifully, confidently belting out her song and engaging the audience. She walked in her heels(yes heels!) and her gown and answered a question with more confidence and poise than I probably would now! To say the least, I was amazed with my daughter! Amazed at this young lady unfolding before me so comfortable in her own skin.
When all was said and done, Macie won the talent portion and was crowned O'Fallon Junior Miss! We were in awe at this girl who was so cool, calm and collected. People work a long time to become that comfortable on stage and here she was doing for the first time like she was a pro.
In true Macie style, she was more proud of winning the talent portion than anything else. So unimpressed by the crown, sash and prizes, she immediately put on her flip flops and plopped down beside us in the audience to watch the older girls compete. You could even tell by the end that she was sort of over it. The older girls told her she was sure to "catch the pageant bug." Macie coyly smiled at them and squeezed my arm as if to say "No Way!" Not to say she wasn't proud of herself but she is just not one to get all caught up in it. She simply wanted to step out of her comfort zone and try something new. I just love that about her.
Here are the links to her intro, talent and question. You may have to copy and paste them into your browser. Hopefully I did it correctly and it will work.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Anticipating a visit from my very best and longest friend in the whole world and her 4 kids!!!! Can't wait to see them all! I'm sure there will be lots of eating,playing, laughing, crying, running, swimming, exploring and fun to be had! Oh, and 3 very tired but happy parents in the end!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Owen turned 7 yesterday and lost his two front teeth. One in the morning during his baseball game. The other during his sleepover with friends. After showing us the second one, he announced that this was his best birthday ever! He is such a sweet boy and I am so happy the day was what he wanted it to be.
Friday, July 9, 2010
I realize fighting is a part of the deal when you have a sibling. Elizabeth and I had a few doozies that I remember. One especially good one was in the middle of the night when she accused me of stealing her blanket. It was a knock down drag out with punches thrown. I'm sure her version is different. Macie and Chase just had a blowout this morning fighting over who knows what. According to them the other looked at him/her the wrong way or snarled at the other, Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter. This one included pushing, shoving, yelling and a baluster knocked out of the stair railing. Lovely. Two more things to fix around here, their attitudes and the railing! Is it time for school to start yet?
Monday, July 5, 2010
Home again
After a week in Texas, Macie and Chase arrived home safely yesterday afternoon. They spent the week with my great aunt Lynn and great uncle Guy. I used to spend my summers lazing at the lake with them. We really haven't had much of an opportunity for our kids to spend any time with my mother's family so I was grateful that they could go and that Lynn and Guy were up for the challenge! They went fishing, swam in the lake, learned to bait catfish, shot a rifle, rode a 4 wheeler(Macie flipped it into the lake!) and got to be kids.
While they were away I got to experience what it is like to be the parent of only 2 children! Boy what a difference! I enjoyed my time with Avery and Owen and was surprised at how much more relaxed I was. It's so much easier to say "yes" when you only have two kids to worry about! Owen's best friend Carter and his family joined us for the Fourth of July weekend. To say he was in heaven is an understatement. It was pretty much Owen and Carter 24/7.
Now that we are all back under one roof, it is definitely a reality check. I feel my stress level rising with the sheer managing of 4 loud and busy kids. It was a nice experience for all of us to have. Them to experience some freedom and get away from their day to day grind. For Owen and Avery to finally be the "big kids" and get me and Stew all to themselves. For as much as we all enjoyed it though, I'll take my crazy four any day! It feels good to be home again!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Baby Fix
No, the title of this post is not what you think it is. We had that taken care a long time ago! Actually, we are heading to Kansas to visit my sister and her family this weekend. I am so ready for a baby fix I can't stand it!!! I love babies, especially little ones. I could totally do 0-12 months all over again. I can't wait to get my hands on baby Emmett! Our niece, Brooke was in St Louis last weekend but I wasn't able to get my hands on her for long. Just didn't work out.
Also-an update for this week. I now am the mother of 3 boys. Well at least one girl that looks like a boy! Avery decided it would be a good idea to cut her hair and now she totally looks like a boy, Lloyd Christmas from "Dumb and Dumber" at that!! I know it will grow so she'll just be wearing a lot of bows for awhile.
Happy Memorial Day!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Flag Football
The boys wrapped up their flag football seasons this past weekend. Chases's team only lost one regular season game. They played 3 games this weekend which culminated in the Super Bowl. He scored a touchdown on Sat and one on Sunday as well as a 2 point conversion. His team finished in 2nd place in a game against their biggest rivals in flag and tackle.
Owen's team started off looking like the Bad News Bears. By the end of the season they ended up at .500 and won the Super Bowl! They really looked like a team that knew what they were doing! Owen has transformed into quite a football player. His first game on Sunday they won 22-21 and Owen scored all 22 points! In the Super Bowl they won 15-13 and he scored all 15 points! It was so fun to watch this little guy just tear up and down the field. Afterwards, he would just humbly toss the ball to the ref and go take his spot for the next play.
I like football but I really LOVE watching my boys play!
Monday, May 10, 2010
coming to an end
I can't believe it but Avery has actually been sleeping in her crib since she was a baby. Macie moved to a bed before she turned 2. The boys started climbing out of their cribs at age 1. For some reason, God has blessed us with this stroke of good fortune. She's goes down easily, stays down and has consistently slept a solid 12 hours in her crib. Just recently she has started climbing out when she wakes up. The crib is the one thing left that is really "baby." Strange how some rites of passage are embraced and others not. I'm glad to be done with the diapers, nursing, crawling and middle of the night wakings but this is one passage I am not quite ready for.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
In a funk
I admit it, I'm in a funk. I'm struggling. It may seem like a surprise to many because I really do put on a good front. I'm just feeling really beaten down by the people around me lately. Not the ones close to me or even the ones that really matter but by people in general. Part of my problem too is that I have such a small group of people to lean on and none of them are here. Locally I have one or two people and our lives are so busy that it seems we never get the chance. I long for a neighborhood where people are supportive of each other instead of always tearing each other down. I can't even drive down my street without feeling anger, hostility or judgment towards me and from me. I know I need to move on and just focus on God and his plan but it's just so hard. I feel like I am constantly being evaluated for how I look and what I do. I feel myself retreating into my home and just trying to keep everyone safe from all the outside crap. I will sort it out, I always do, I just need to get my head on straight and my heart full again.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Being the youngest of 4, Avery hears her fair share of words that I'm certain the others did not hear let alone use at her age. Also, being as vocal as she is, she has started to try them out. Her favorites are mostly potty words like butt, poop and pee, but she has also added shut up and stupid to her repertoire. She lights up with delight knowing these are taboo and loves to get a rise out of me and Stewart. On Friday she tried them out at school. Her teacher calmly and gently asked her not to use those words and gave her suggestions for other words instead. End of story.
Fast forward our drive home from school. We stop by the grocery store and are in the check out line. A woman gets in line behind us and Avery exclaims and points "mommy, her butt is big!" I try to ignore her, hoping the woman hasn't heard her. I pull her closer to me hoping she will just stop. She says it again, "look how big her butt is!" At this point I am certain the cashier and the lady have heard her. I bend down and gently remind her that we don't use those words. She looks at me very seriously and says, "but mommy, her butt is huge!" I am dying. First from embarrassment. Second, because she was defending herself, implying that she wasn't merely using potty words to be silly but that the woman's butt was really huge. Third, she was right! Sometimes there is just no arguing with a 3 year old. The art of tact will be our next lesson.
Tic Tac
All of our kids love orange tic tacs. They are the treat they get when they come with me somewhere and behave really well. Avery was eating some the other day and came over to me saying "ouch". She looked fine. She then pointed to her nose and said "tic tac." Sure enough, she had lodged an orange tic tac far beyond reach. Just far enough that I could see it but not far enough that it would go down into her throat. Her nose starts running orange. I calmly had her blow her nose several times. Nothing. Tried a few more times. Nothing. Called the neighbor who is a paramedic and asked him for advice. He suggested I call the pediatrician. I'm on the phone with the medical assistant sounding like a complete idiot when it finally dissolves enough to dislodge. Seriously, what is up with my kids sticking things in their noses??
Monday, March 1, 2010
One of a Kind
Avery turned 3 on February 16. She has changed so much this last year. So incredibly independent. Little miss Sassafras is what I call her.
Completely potty trained. Absolutely loves school and would go every single day if I'd let her. She's our adventure girl. Every morning she asks "what are we going to do today mommy?" I'm trying my darnedest to keep her occupied and she's trying equally as hard to keep me on my toes! As challenging as she can be, she is absolutely one of the most wonderful gifts we have been given. Avery Parker is one of a kind.
Announcing ???
On February 14th at 2:14 am, my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Following in Laufer tradition, he has a beautiful head of golden brown hair. Also in Laufer tradition, he has yet to be named. Geez people, you only had 9 months to think about it!!!
I could barely wait to get my hands on him so I loaded Avery in the van and headed for Kansas! We spent the night and got plenty of baby watching and holding in while we were there. He smells so good and makes lots of lovely grunts and noises. Hoping to make a trip with the whole crew soon!! We love you baby Laufer, even if you are a JayHawk.
Announcing Brooke Ellis Parker!
It is with great pleasure that I announce the arrival of our first Parker cousin! Steve and Lori had Brooke Ellis Parker on February 9, 2010! We couldn't be more excited for them! We were able to make a quick trip to Murray to meet her. Although our trip was short, we were able to let her know in no uncertain terms that she was born in Kentucky and bleeds blue!!! Sorry Aunt Lori, no Tennessee orange for this little munchkin!! Not if her cousins have anything to say about it!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Best Buddies
It doesn't happen very often where you find a family that just fits with yours. We have been friends with the Johnson's since Chase was 1 and Macie was 3. It is a relationship that has grown from a casual, neighborly friendship to a strong family bond. I believe that only true and lasting friendships grow over time. I am always skeptical when one appears out of nowhere and is founded on mere circumstance or proximity.
Their son Clayton is the same age as Macie and Carter is Owen's BEST friend in the entire world. I am like sisters with Margaret, and Corey is one of the only male friends Stewart has that he didn't grow up with. It's the kind of friendship where everything goes without question. I know when my kids are with them they will be cared for. I don't have to worry about if they'll get fed, are they in the way, do I need to go get them. It's the same with us. Carter can spend an entire day here like he is my own child. That's how I look at them. When they are here they are mine. It's the kind of friendship where I trust their judgment to discipline my kids and vice versa.
We've been through a lot together. Surgeries, births, deaths, school successes and failures, family dysfunction, birthdays, field trips, er visits, vacations, sleepovers, barbecues, holidays. To put it simply, they are our family away from family. We've got no family here available for support so we've learned to lean on each other a great deal.
We had to say goodbye to the Johnson's on Sunday. The job market, being as unsteady as it has been forced Corey to look for a new job. What he landed was a huge step up for him and for their family. It was an offer they couldn't refuse. Along with the new job also meant relocating to Frisco, Texas.
They came quickly Sunday morning to say goodbye. We had really already said goodbye over a series of coffees, lunches and late night drinks but Sunday was really it. Carter and Owen didn't even really realize what was happening. It was probably better that way because it was already difficult enough for me to manage. I fought back tears to no avail and finally just let them all out because I couldn't hold it in anymore. They are getting settled and have many new things to look forward to. We've got things to look forward to also. Like trying to make some new friendships. Real friends are hard to come by.
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