Sunday, March 28, 2010


Being the youngest of 4, Avery hears her fair share of words that I'm certain the others did not hear let alone use at her age. Also, being as vocal as she is, she has started to try them out. Her favorites are mostly potty words like butt, poop and pee, but she has also added shut up and stupid to her repertoire. She lights up with delight knowing these are taboo and loves to get a rise out of me and Stewart. On Friday she tried them out at school. Her teacher calmly and gently asked her not to use those words and gave her suggestions for other words instead. End of story.

Fast forward our drive home from school. We stop by the grocery store and are in the check out line. A woman gets in line behind us and Avery exclaims and points "mommy, her butt is big!" I try to ignore her, hoping the woman hasn't heard her. I pull her closer to me hoping she will just stop. She says it again, "look how big her butt is!" At this point I am certain the cashier and the lady have heard her. I bend down and gently remind her that we don't use those words. She looks at me very seriously and says, "but mommy, her butt is huge!" I am dying. First from embarrassment. Second, because she was defending herself, implying that she wasn't merely using potty words to be silly but that the woman's butt was really huge. Third, she was right! Sometimes there is just no arguing with a 3 year old. The art of tact will be our next lesson.

1 comment:

LAB47 said...

that seems very wise, Susan. to not reprimand a child for their honesty or directness but rather shift the conversation to tact. i was wondering about the concept of decorum today (why we so often aren't direct in adult social situations), and this post helps me think it through a bit more.