Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tic Tac

All of our kids love orange tic tacs. They are the treat they get when they come with me somewhere and behave really well. Avery was eating some the other day and came over to me saying "ouch". She looked fine. She then pointed to her nose and said "tic tac." Sure enough, she had lodged an orange tic tac far beyond reach. Just far enough that I could see it but not far enough that it would go down into her throat. Her nose starts running orange. I calmly had her blow her nose several times. Nothing. Tried a few more times. Nothing. Called the neighbor who is a paramedic and asked him for advice. He suggested I call the pediatrician. I'm on the phone with the medical assistant sounding like a complete idiot when it finally dissolves enough to dislodge. Seriously, what is up with my kids sticking things in their noses??

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