Wednesday, February 25, 2009


You can't even begin to imagine how many socks we go through. Keeping track of them all has become nearly impossible. I literally have a mountian of mismatched socks on my dresser. After each load of laundry I dutifully sort through them trying to find a mate for each one. It seems my efforts are futile as my pile grows exponentially each time. Today while we were at Target getting shoes for the boys I had a lightbulb moment. I really don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. I decided that Macie, Chase and Owen are all going to wear the same everyday socks. We bought 3 packages of plain white socks to start. Luckily they all wear almost the same size so that wasn't an issue. When we returned home I purged their drawers of all their old socks and put them in the giveaway pile with all their lonely counterparts. Either our pile of unwanted socks is going to make someone very happy or we'll be seeing a lot of sock puppets around here real soon.

1 comment:

Molly said...

I can't tell you how loud I sigh when I get to the bottom of the "whites" basket and it's time to match the socks. My least favorite job! I love your idea - necessity is definitely the mother of invention!!!