Thursday, October 13, 2011


Seriously, where does the time go? It seems like yesterday when all of our days were spent at home. These days that is a rarity. I admit I sometimes long for the lazy days of Sesame Street, naps and playdates at the park. We have had a taste of it this week while the kids are on fall break. I purposely planned nothing. Not one thing. It's been fabulous. We have had lazy days and spent them all at home together. The boys have had the time to really enjoy each other. They have played legos, built forts and jumped on the trampoline to their hearts content. As connected as Macie is to her friends through text and email(still holding out on that cell phone) she has relaxed every day with a good book. I even took her to Target to look at clothes(pretty high class family here!) and she chose to buy 2 books over clothes. Can I just say that I LOVE that about her! Avery has enjoyed having everyone home and a full house of people to play with. I think we all just needed a week of downtime. School and schedules have their place but they are exhausting. I love that they are able to just be kids and enjoy each other.

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