Just thought I'd post these recent emails from Chase's teacher as a reminder of how far he has come this year. I am so happy for him and I see good things happening everyday! My mom always said there was something very special and sweet about 10 year old boys. Thanks for being right about so many things mom, but especially this! This 10 year old boy is a keeper for sure.
May 11, 2011
Just saw your post on your blog (didn't even know you had a blog) - I sobbed! On Sunday, I was actually crying as I filled out his behavior report and then I even shared with another teacher my conversation with Chase yesterday about his behavior report. Sunday night I just reflected on how much he has grown and how amazing that he has been getting mostly 4's and I don't even have to think about it. I thought about how 1st and 2nd quarter I was sometimes debating between a 1 and a 2. Then after I passed them out yesterday he came up to me and very respectfully inquired about why he earned a few 3's instead of 4's. We had a discussion (which I am not sure if he really grasped) about it which is why I added the note. He even said something like; Can you believe that I am asking why I didn't get 4's. I have changed.
He sees the difference and is confident that he is doing well. He has grown so much and I am so proud of him. I get sad thinking about how close the end of the year is and how this whole group will be leaving. The medicine definitely benefits him but I think he has also matured and grown up a lot this year and is making better choices all around.
Hopefully in a few years I can get Owen in 4th grade too! By the time Avery gets in 4th grade I will be too old!
Talk to you later - we will search for the library book. Just "ignore" those slips for a few weeks. We will be deep cleaning as the end of the year grows closer.
May 26, 2011
Just another example of how much Chase has improved this year….
We kind of just have a “To Do” list on the board. Some kids are finished and scrapbooking and others have a lot to do. Everyone is working and it is not too noisy or anything.
After specials Chase asked to work in the hall because he said he wouldn’t be too tempted to talk and could work better!!
Then it was Spectra time and he asked if he could stay and defended his reasons (all related to work). He went and asked Mrs. Riley and she gave him the okay.
He is working hard today!!
And even better news – books were mysteriously found. I had students turn in books and Elise took them to the library. Mrs. Blasé came back with money for Chase and asked who found them or what happened. Chase was in Spectra. I asked the kids who turned them in and no one raised their hand. Later, ***** told me ***** turned them in out of *** backpack. Sorry! I searched the room but never thought to search backpacks!!!! I told Chase to put the money in his backpack.
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