I always intend to write a Christmas letter to include with our cards but either never get around to it or don't quite know what to say. Here's what we've been up to, even though we're probably the only one's who will read it!
As is with most families, we were quite busy. We celebrated birthdays and births. Our nephew Andrew, was born in September. Laurie allowed me to be with them while she delivered. Even after having 4 of my own, it's still such a miracle and I felt honored to be witness to it.
We also grieved the loss of my dear grandmother. This loss was especially difficult for me since she was my only direct tie to my mother. I am thankful for the amazing life she lived and how full she lived it!
We celebrated achievements in sports and school. Enjoyed time with lots of friends and family. Stew continued to coach flag and tackle football and agreed to coach Chase's basketball team this season. I headed up the Monticello swim team for another season and finally felt like I had gotten my feet wet(no pun intended) to really know what I was doing.
Macie continues to grow in her love of singing and performing. She participated in a Glee club, sang in the school talent show and had a part in the school play. She also began confirmation classes and swims competitively.
Chase still adores football and basketball but also ventured into Glee as well. Not surprisingly, he is very comfortable on a stage and has no lack of confidence.
Owen is thriving in school and sports. He played football, basketball, baseball and swam. He is happy as long as he is active but wants no part of being on stage.
Avery makes us laugh and want to pull our hair out all at the same time. She is so funny and sassy and so incredibly independent that it drives me crazy. She played soccer, took gymnastics, swam on the swim team and sang in Glee. She is absolutely meant to be in the spotlight!
Stewart and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in November. He is still the funniest person I know and has the sharpest wit of anyone around. The kids love it when he gets silly and really lets loose. He is also extremely level headed and rational. I definitely balance him out with my hot blooded temper and my non-stop need to be doing something. We are both enjoying our time with the kids. Although things can be rough at times, we navigate the kids and our marriage together. I can't imagine doing this with anyone else.
Stew's parents are living the life we hope to lead someday. Retired to Florida in winter and Kentucky in the summer, with lots of travel in between. They took Chase to Washington DC for his 10th birthday trip this Spring. They continue to take the kids to Kentucky when they can and make numerous trips to St Louis to see games, concerts and just visit.
My dad is still in Chicago. Whenever the real estate market returns, he will move to St Louis. He keeps busy with tennis and church activities. He had surgery for Glaucoma but seems to be doing well.
We finished off the year with Christmas in St Louis. Elizabeth's family and my dad were here to celebrate. It was the first time in a year we had all been together. I am amazed at our how family has grown and what lovely young men and women our children are growing in to.
We realize how fortunate we are to have each other and are extremely grateful for the life that God has given us. Our blessings are many. Our health is good. Our hearts are full.
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